The Mystery of the Blood Covenants

You can never understand covenant until you get discernment of the mystery of the blood trail with the three blood covenants God made with man. Make no mistake about it, the Jews always knew that God would present the unblemished lamb that would become our redeeming savior. But they had become so dependent upon the law and legalism and passing their sin onto the red heifer once a year that when their appointed time for final redemption came in the form of a servant they had a hard time believing that he would have to become sin for them in the nature of a common criminal and hang on a cross, cursed. They expected a King to relieve them of the oppression from Rome.

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You see, Christ's blood could not have become light had he not become as a humble servant,overcome the world and take upon himself sin and suffer and have to spill his blood on a cross. You can't change how the light is to come, that is a set given with the essence of God's being. The Jews were expecting a King to come out of no where and, that he would be royalty without the price of pure unblemished (righteous) blood that ignites light. It is to our fortune and the whole world's really that the Jews rejected Jesus because God then blinded their spiritual eyes and for a time so the whole creation could have a chance to be saved. We are living in a set time where we are beginning to witness the blinds being lifted from the eyes of the Jews. A mass movement of Messianic Jews have arisen in the world and huge organizations of Christians and Jews have formed alliances.

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Now I'm going to take you into each blood covenant and I'm going to show you how they all unveil the mystery of the blood and how God operates as he revealed his end time plan beginning in Genesis and comes full circle in Revelation. You will then see clearly what a veil of blindness the Jews have been under and what it means to the Gentiles and how it is going to work into a great Jubilee of the natural branch being en grafted back into the root and how and when the fulfillment of the number of the Gentile Christians is to occur.

Lets take a look at how God orchestrated this magnificent plan to be reconciled to his beloved and at the same time blow Satan's mind in the process. If you are not in love with Jesus and coming into the presence of the King of the Universe by the end of this article then you need to get yourself to the altar and pray the sinners prayer until you weep with humility and a contrite heart. God began with the law and he ended with capturing our heart through the son showing us the Father's great love by becoming flesh to save us and reconcile us back to him from the fall of Adam.

The blood has been a mystery since the beginning of time, but most importantly it has been a mystery to Satan. Remember, blood means life, a pure light source. God required a pure or unblemished life force in order for sin redemption, or to be able to come into His presence. The High Priest had to go through a cleansing process before he could step behind the curtain to present the offering. If he wasn't righteous he would drop dead and that meant no sin redemption, so the people would gather outside of the Tabernacle and listen to see if the bells stopped ringing on the hem of the Priest's garment.

When we think of the first sin, we automatically think of Adam but the first sin was not committed in the Garden of Eden. It was committed in heaven by Lucifer, also known as The Morning Star. The sin committed was pride. Lucifer was called a Son of God. (Job 38:4-7). Ultimately, he defiled the throne of heaven and was cast down with a third of the angels with him. Now, it is interesting to note that in Revelation Jesus is referred to as The Morning Star. Morning star means son, and Lucifer lost that status when he thought he could be as big as God.

Jesus said in Luke 10:18, "I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven."

Still defiant after defiling the throne of Heaven, Satan intervenes in God's creation to subdue mankind. So after Satan tempts Eve God lays out the foundation of redemption but withholds the mystery of the blood from Satan. He's really mad now because God calls mankind his sons. Lucifer was no longer part of God's family.

The fight had begun for dominion of the earth and mankind, and the throne (or the temple) of heaven is the central stage and as it was in the beginning, the battle of Armageddon will begin with the ultimate Holy War for the throne in Jerusalem between to two Princes, the son, Jesus and the Satan's Prince, the Anti-Christ.

But the blood is still an issue. So let's clarify how the blood has played out so far and how it will again in the end in this heavenly war against Satan over God's authority over his creation.

After the sin in the Garden of Eden man was cut off from the tree of life and a curse was handed down to man separating him from his creator. God did not want this, but sin will not stay in his presence of pure light. (Genesis 3:15) God said to the serpent, "I'll put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will bruise His heel." The "He" that God is referring to that would crush Satan's head is Jesus, so we know from this that God is referring to a singular seed, not many seeds.

The ultimate blood sacrifice and God's word 'come in the flesh' had been released in the Garden of Eden. The seed of God's word, Jesus, was hidden in the woman. (Luke 1:30-35). From that point God made the blood a mystery unto Satan. That truth of God becoming incarnate in the seed of a woman and in the flesh of Jesus baffled even the Pharisees, and Satan never saw what hit him. Because the blood of Jesus would ultimately purify the heavenly altar that Satan had defiled. Now if Satan had known this mystery of the blood he would have never killed Jesus. (1 Corinthians 2:7,8).

As soon as the blood of the slain Lamb of God spilled and his death occurred the host of angels swooped down on that concrete, makeshift altar and rushed that pure blood life force up into the heavenly throne and poured it onto the altar. Jesus resurrected from the same power God used to create the earth, a spoken word and to us a Kingdom was established, with all the power and authority invested in Him by the Father as our final High Priest and redeemer. He then went to the depths of hell and took from Satan the keys of death and the power of sin that had separated us from our creator. The arch angel swooshed down to the earth and clothed him in his high priest garment and he ascended to the throne where he sits at the right hand of God interceding for us. He will return the same way he left, full of glory.

You may be pondering, why didn't God just send Jesus after the Garden of Eden? Let's look at an analogy of just what a Father is and how he thinks about his children for a minute. God had created the angels for his pleasure and Lucifer was the most beautiful angel he had, and was called a Son of God. He had authority in heaven. He had God's presence and his ear. Lucifer was the worship leader and it is said that his voice sounded like the 7 musical keys when he spoke. He had pipes coming out of his chest when he worshiped before God. That's why King David was a man after God's own heart, he knew how to worship and please the Lord. Lucifer had it all and failed God because greed and pride.

So God said, I'll create my own family. He created Adam from the dust and breathed life into his nostrils. We all have God's likeness in us and he weeps for that communion with us, but sin separates us from his glory. Adam failed him also, ah but Jesus, he sealed the covenant, a man without sin and he took the burden of sin on his shoulders. Yes, you were bought with a heavy price. Righteousness always has a price.

God wanted to commune with his creation again. The flesh has to be subjected to the spirit for righteousness and communion with God to come and the regeneration of the blood is the only thing that will work to accomplish that. He wanted that part of us back that was made in his likeness. He began his plan of reconciliation through covenants. It's all about free will that he gave us and if love has to be forced then it is not effectual. On the other hand God could not commune with man in sin. His righteousness, holiness, light and life force cannot mesh with darkness and sin.

A covenant is a contract and within a contract you have commands and then you have blessings. We are going to learn just how God has a relationship with us through our covenant with him; how he operates, his seasons, his patterns and just how Holy He is. Our minds cannot even comprehend the enormity of who our God is and the power and blessings he gives us through our blood covenant. But you can get a glimpse of his majesty and what His presence is like through the tabernacle tent right and at Calvary's Cross.

You have to understand that when God makes a redemptive covenant he always seals it with pure blood. First we will look at God's first blood covenant after the destruction of mankind that had left only Noah, while Enoch was resurrected into heaven. God promised to never destroy his creation again. However, it is important to remember God's wrath in Noah's day for He will display that wrath again in the end, not by flood but by fire. I see the world rampant with sin and dishonor of his word, immorality and idolatry just as in the day of Noah and in the day of Sodom and Gomorrah.


The first blood covenant God made was with Abraham. You may be asking, why did God choose Abraham? It wasn't because he was an elite tribe, or even the largest. There was something very unique about Abraham. He was an inquisitive man, and although he had grown up around idols and idol worship, he began to question that kind of worship. How did it benefit man?

At the core of his soul he knew there was a living God, and he diligently sought the living God. God saw this longing and character in Abraham and he chose him to make known himself. God did not choose him because he was a Jew. Noah was a Gentile. As Abraham developed his relationship with God and God spoke to him, God saw a thirst, faithfulness, and truth seeking substance to Abraham. It was for these reasons, especially after Abraham passed the test of faith that God made a covenant with him, and sealed it with blood through the blood letting of circumcision of every new born male child at eight days old, and promised him that he would become the Father of nations.

Abraham thus became a God-like figure. He would do something that later God would have to do himself; sacrifice his own son. A foreshadowing of God's final redemptive plan. Abraham was the only man that ever lived that got a glimpse of the pain and despair that it took to sacrifice the loved and promised son. When Jesus hung on that cross suffering and near death, and called out, "My Father why have you forsaken me?" God had to look the other way for he could not look upon sin or bear the pain to see the unblemished son's suffering. So never think that sin doesn't hurt God, for it takes his family away from him.

It is hard to imagine the sin of the whole world upon one man who knew no sin. God could not look upon the incomprehensible burden Jesus was heavy-laddened with. That's just a peek of how dirty sin is to our Father in heaven. Still Jesus took that dirt upon his life and was obedient unto death. He could have called ten thousand angels. But Jesus was obedient till death. So never think that obedience is not necessary for a righteous life. Jesus knew that if he called upon the Angels with the power of the spoken word, Satan would win.

Jesus had spent a thousand years in heaven with the Father as one with him. Reconciling his creation that he had breathed his very life into was a fixated desire of God, and Jesus made that possible. So never wonder why Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father, given all authority and power over God's creation. It is for this reason that he is the only one worthy to open the book of life and to be the Prince of Peace and High Priest seated on the throne and to speak our futures at the Great White Throne of judgment. He is the only one who truly understands mercy and justice and that is what he will judge us on.

Isaac became a chosen to inherit that promise and to inherit the land of Canaan which is Israel today, which includes Jerusalem. I'm going to prove this to you as I discuss further the journey Abraham took to sacrifice Isaac.

I certainly understand why Abraham did not announce that he was about to take his son upon a high mountain and kill him for the living God. These ex-idol worshippers would have assumed he was gone mad. When God calls man to do something, it never makes sense to the carnal mind.

Now Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. God also blessed Ishmael and promised to make him a mighty nation. But Ishmael was not the son to inherit Israel or the promises. (Genesis 17:19-21) God did not make a blood covenant with Ishmael, in spite of Abraham asking God to do that before Isaac was born.

The covenants that were sealed in blood were made with the Jewish patriarchs that carried the scepter to the everlasting throne in Jerusalem. To have discernment about the end time Holy war with the Anti-Christ and Jesus over the temple throne in the battle of Armageddon you have got to understand the blood line. I pray my fellow Christians for you not to be ignorant of this truth for it is the unveiling of the mystery of the blood that always confused religious folks and Satan. The Anti-Christ will lie to cover up this truth in the end time.

The seed of the woman carries the mystery of the blood and that trail leads to the savior coming from the stump of Jesse, the young David. (1Samuel 16:12.13) You will see as we go along here that God stayed with only one certain bloodline that led to Jesus being a direct descendant from Judah.

Now King David purchased the city of Jerusalem where His throne will never end, because Jesus, his descendant is the King of Kings forever. When King David killed Goliath, who was a seed of Satan, he dragged the head of the giant 16 miles to Jerusalem, to the hill we call Calvary or Golgotha Hill (hill of the skulls) where Jesus' blood dripped onto the evil seed and took away the sin of the world and stripped Satan of his power. David purchased Mt Moriah (Jerusalem) where his throne will be forever and Jesus will reign. But let's get back to the promise for a moment.

God promised Abraham that he would be the Father of Nations and he clearly showed him on Mt. Moriah that Abraham saw far off, into a three-day journey, the unblemished Lamb of God that was to come. Mt Moriah is the temple mount in Jerusalem. (Genesis 22:14). The ram's horn became a symbol of the coming of Christ and was blown at the gathering of the people on the Feast of Tabernacles, the Jewish New Year, called Sukkot in Hebrew, and was a sign of the coming Messiah. The ram's horn is called a shofar. In fact Jesus was born during this feast time. On our calendar it is October.

The stipulation of the covenant with Abraham was for the people to put no other God's before them. Idols and idolatry was forbidden. God's jealousy is not the same as ours. Our jealousy causes strife, but God's brand of jealousy is to bring us in line with him. So when he displays his jealousy it is to correct us and bring us back in line with him and he desires for us not to be led by things that lead us to death and away from the source of light that leads to life.

God also established the first fruits law through Abraham, that is the tithe. Abraham took a tenth of all he had to the High Priest Melchizedek. He was to perform a bloodletting on every first born male by circumcision of the foreskin, and it was to be a sign of their blood covenant with God.

With every blood covenant God made he appointed a High Priest as well. God anointed Melchizedek to be the first High Priest in the covenant with Abraham. Melchizedek had no history and there was no beginning or end to him.

He is the foreshadowing of Christ's High Priesthood. Melchizedek was told by God to take bread and wine to Abraham which represents blessing and the the bread of life and the fruit of the land as well as the foreshadowing of Jesus who said, "I am the bread came down from heaven and no one goes to the father except through me, meaning his blood, the wine.


The second covenant God made was with Moses, a Christ-like figure who freed the Israelites from bondage. God set his word down to Moses to give to the chosen people to be the keepers of His Word and commandments. God took Moses upon Mt. Sinai and there he showed him the Heavenly Temple and told him to build it and he would bless them and his presence would dwell among the people. The heavenly temple reflects the tent tabernacle, its dimensions, divisions and furniture. The Ark of the Covenant is in Heaven and the temple is the throne. (Rev. 11:19)

God instructed Moses to appoint the Levites as priests of the tabernacle in the line of Arron who would be the High Priest. The High Priest was to sacrifice a bull and a red heifer once a year at the Feast of Tabernacles ( Yum Kippur) for redemption of the people's sins. An unblemished lamb was to be sacrificed at Passover each year. Passover is God's favor to smear you with his purified blood over your dwelling so death and the evil one can not pass through. Now, you get a glimpse of the power of Christ's blood over you.

In Revelation, Jesus' feet is described as brass, which is representative of the brass basin in the tabernacle, the water represents Jesus' knees, his waist is represented by His spirit in the Holy of Holies, and His Head is the Holiest of Holies. His right hand outstretched represents the Jews and his left hand outstretched represents the Gentiles. You can clearly see the trinity in the tabernacle lay out.The female cow represents the Bride of Christ. The red heifer ashes symbolize purity, the crucifixion of Christ (the scape goat for sin, Numbers 19:2)

Rabbi Richmond who has a weekly Torah teaching from the Temple Institute says there's no way to understand the mysterious purification of the red heifer but that it means a final redemption, and they believe Israel will be redeemed during the month of Nissan (Passover). Some Orthodox Jews believe the red heifer will play a role in the purifying of the 3rd Temple that is to come. The cost of a red heifer was 30 pieces of silver, the same that was paid for Jesus to Judas. (Lev. 27:4) In Hebrews 9:13-14, Paul refers to the burning of the ashes as a symbol of Jesus.

The last red heifer that was sacrificed was just before the destruction of King Herod's temple. The Talmud (Jewish bible) states that the High Priest would stand in the temple facing the Mt. Of Olives when he sprinkled the blood 7 times. The Menorah had to be brought out when sprinkling the blood, (the seven spirits of God in Revelation).

So, yes there is discernment of the mystery of the red heifer and those whom the Holy Spirit gives discernment has no problem seeing that Jesus became the symbolic red heifer, and in the third temple he is the only one that can purify it from the abomination of desolation. The word says that 1/3 of the Jews will see that clearly when God opens their blinded eyes. Unfortunately, and it was to the distress of Daniel when Christ showed him how 2/3 of the Jews will perish for their obstinate unbelief and like a third of the angels that fell from heaven, that 2/3 will perish at the hands of the enemy that will form against Jerusalem.

The 1/3 remaining that run to the hills will survive and there will be a great repentance with weeping and wailing for Jesus, and all of Israel will be saved. God will split the earth and swallow the armies that come against Israel and onto his Holy Mountain. He is beckoning his enemy now in this day that we live, the enemies are forming and God is moving his people from the four corners of the earth.

It Was Through Abraham That Our Inheritance Came

It is through Abraham that our inheritance was established and through this red heifer that we can see a far off (as Abraham did) the sacrificial blood of Christ. The New Covenant earns us the presence of the Living God, dominion in the earth as the children promised to Abraham.


In the Jewish feasts there are lots of mysteries to be discerned. Lets take a look at the 7 Feasts and how the timing of these feasts reveals the first and second coming of Christ. Three of the feasts are appointed times God calls us before him. The first is Passover, then Feast of Weeks (first fruits or Pentecost) and then Feast of Tabernacles (atonement). The Passover is called Yum Kippur in Hebrew. The feast of weeks is called Shavuot in Hebrew. The Feast of Tabernacles is called Sukkot in Hebrew.

The first four of these feasts were fulfilled by Christ's first coming and represent his shed blood. The final 3 feasts will be fulfilled by the return of Christ. The trumpets represent his return, atonement will complete his judgment at the Great White Throne and the tabernacles represent the gathering of the Bride. The last three means royalty, a king coming to claim his Kingdom. (appointed times Lev. 23).

God is a seasonal God and he hands down blessings in His seasons, not ours. Passover is a time to celebrate the risen Christ and the redemption His blood gave to us, when he took us from darkness to light, from bondage of sin to freedom, more importantly it gives us entrance to the Holiest of Holies. The feast of weeks, or first fruits is a time when we give to the widows, the homeless, the alien and to the priests that minister to us. It is a seed principle that you must put into practice if you are to receive the blessings and promises. The feast of tabernacles, which is known today as Sukkot, is called the season of our joy.

I believe Jesus was born during the season of Sukkot. He obviously was not born in December, for Luke 2:8 records that at the time of Jesus' birth there were shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. From the biblical times to the present the shepherds of Israel leave the cold of the open fields when the winter season begins.

In conclusion, the patterns of God were established long before man had a revelation of them. I think a lot of times with Christians it is not that we are doing something wrong as much as we are not doing enough of what is right and required by God - understanding the precise patterns and seasons of God.

God has instituted principles for your victory and a wealth of promises, peace, protection, and everything to meet your needs. First fruits in Hebrew is "bikkurim" and literally means "promise to come." First fruits is a principle of faith and obedience that God established from the beginning, it is an eternal law and it's one of the most life-changing principles in Scripture. You can plead promises all day long with no results when you violate God's principles and His appointed seasons for the latter and former rains.

When people don't see God's fullest manifestation of blessings it is because they are not following God's ordained patterns for blessings and provision. (Lev. 23) This divine establishment of God's order is actually the root, the foundation that governs the rest. "For if the first fruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches." (Romans 11:16).

We have to understand God's never-changing principles and seasons for possession to occur, we must work in the divine order, governed by the truth of the Word of God. When you are obedient to God's commands and appointed feasts these are the promises of your inheritance: Exodus 23:20-31 lists the blessings, read them and receive them in God's seasons.


1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul
2. Keep the Sabbath Holy
3. Pay a tenth to the Lord
4. Love your neighbor as yourself

If you do these four commands then you will not break the others.

Furthermore, there were 7 commands established for the Gentile believers. In the council of Jerusalem, only 7 commands were laid out for the Gentile believers. They were called the Noahide laws. These stipulations permitted Gentiles to worship with the Jews without having to do animal sacrifice, which was their blood covenant, and the Abrahamic circumcision, which included ritual cleansing laws. The law of Moses never became moot and Jesus said, "I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill, or do away with the feasts but to fulfill it.


Galations3: 8-29

The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham (through the sacrifice of Isaac). God told Abraham, "All nations will be blessed through you." So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law and traditions that actually keep us from attaining true righteousness.

Jesus redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. No one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case with the blood of Christ. So, know what your covenant is through the blood.

The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to Your Seed," meaning one person, who is Christ. The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise to Abraham and his seed. Inheritance does not depend on law. Otherwise the promise would be no good, but God did give it to Abraham through grace.

The law was given for transgressors to be redeemed from their sins through blood sacrifice until the seed to whom the promise referred had come. Righteousness cannot come through the law. The law is a guide to show us how far off we are to righteousness and how impossible it is to attain through dead works. So we are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ. There is neither Jew or Greek or Gentile, male or female, slave or free man, for we are all one in Christ and heirs to the promise.


Dueteronomy 28:1-14
Read them all, they are important for things to go well for you.

The Mystery of the Blood Covenants
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Nov 19, 2011 23:21:59

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