Car Audio Amplifier Info: Seriously Everything You'll Ever Need To Know

Amp Smarts:

Speaker Stand Mounts

Amplifiers are devices that take a teeny tiny audio signal from a pre-amp, some power from your battery, and pass it on as a big big audio signal to drive speakers.

Speaker Stand Mounts

The most important piece of advice I can give to you is to buy lots of power. To get the cleanest sound, it is absolutely essential to buy as much power as you can afford.

Here are some terms that you'll need to know when evaluating car audio amplifiers.

Watt: A watt is a measurment of power. Power is the ability to do work. In the case of amplifiers, the work is to move a speaker. Amplifiers come in all power ranges, from 20 watts per channel up to thousands per channel. When it comes to amplifiers, watts are described two ways:

RMS: An amp's power rating might say: 75W RMS x 4 CH @ 4Ω 14.4V
This means that the amp is capable of 75 watts into 4 channels with 4 ohm speakers, and 14.4V of voltage. This amp is capable of providing that power if all of those conditions are met at all times. The truth is, even if you design your system to meet all of those conditions, it will not at all times. Speakers' impedences (measured in ohms, or Ω) change constantly while operating. Amps don't necessarilly put out the same power all of the time either, for example when a bass track is playing versus a much quieter track.


However, I must also say that an amp's RMS rating is the one piece of information to look for to determine an amp's power.

CEA Compliant Power Output: This is (hopefully) going to become the industry standard for determining an amp's power output. This allows you to accurately compare two amps to each other, because you know that they were tested under the same conditions. To know why this is a good thing, click here...

Right under an amp's RMS rating, you'll see an amp's "MAX" rating. It is often double the RMS rating. The MAX rating is pure junk. Never pay attention to the max rating because it only shows what the amp is capable of in a laboratory setting. That kind of environment cannot be reproduced in the auto, and therefore the rating is misleading. An amp's max rating is proably about 50% more than the RMS. Never buy an amp based on it's Max rating. Ok, and lastly, because this makes you look like a total jerk, never ever ever say your amp is a 1000 watt amp because it has a max 1000 watt sticker on it, and ESPECIALLY if you bought your amp at the swap meet. 1000 watt amps are BIG and HEAVY.

Anyway, in summation, never buy an amp based on it's MAX rating.

CEA Compliant Power: (CEA=Consumer Electronics Association) This spec (if your amplifier includes it) is a new rating. The goals of this rating are to give a useful reference for amp comparison. In the "bad old days", amp manufacturers could pretty much claim whatever power output they wanted without specifying the testing methods. The CEA rating changes that. The CEA compliant power output specifies what power output you can expect when the following criteria are met: 14.4V, 4 Ohm speaker load and 1% distortion. You can now fairly compare two amplifiers to each other because you know they were tested in the same manner. Make sense? No? OK, look at it this way: If an amp has a CEA compliant output power of 100 watts per channel, you know that the amp is essentially equal to another amp with the same CEA rating. HOWEVER, you cannot compare this amp to another amp that is rated at 100 watts/channel RMS.

I am a big fan of this rating. FINALLY, there is a uniform standard for amplifier power output ratings. If an amp doesn't include this spec, then the manufacturer is probably trying to hide something.

Bridging: Many stereo and 4 channel amps allow you to "bridge". What you do with bridging is combine two channels into one, or four channels into two. This allows you to allocate more power to a single speaker, like a subwoofer for example. This is a handy feature for someone who has a stereo amp lying around, but they want to use all of its power to drive a single speaker. There's nothing wrong with bridging, and is often used for subwoofers.

Crossover: Many amps have a simple crossover built in. Basically, it will be a switch that will have three positions: high pass, low pass, off. High pass basically allows all of the higher frequencies to pass. This is handy if the amp is powering tweeters and mids. The low pass allows only the lower frequencies to be reproduced. This is handy if the amp is powering a subwoofer. Off means that all frequencies will be sent to the speaker.

Bass Boost: Some amps have a circuit that when switched on gives a boost to your bass. It is not essential, and I usually don't use it in my own system.

Frequency Response: This specification tells you what frequencies that the amp responds to. Higher frequencies are treble, lower frequencies are bass. The human ear can perceive from 20hz to 20,000hz (aka 20khz). Most amps will reproduce this frequency band with ease. Some will go above and beyond. Don't worry about that because usually CDs don't contain data out of that range, and even if they did, you wouldn't hear it! Some people talk about harmonics, and I don't know if it's true or not. But whateva. Read about this debate elsewhere.

Channel: Amps have channels that basically tell you how many loads it is built to drive. Loads=speakers, so a two channel amp will power two speakers.


Different amps have different designs that all achieve the same thing (amplifying a musical signal), but achieve this in different ways. The way in which the amplifier is designed is refered to as its "class". There are 4 major types of classes, and an occasional oddball. I don't really know the technical differences between them, but it doesn't matter. We're just installing amps, not designing them!

A - Very good sound quality, very inefficient, uses boatloads of power, and wastes most of it in the form of heat.

B - Good sound quality, moderately efficient, uses a lot of power, wastes about half of it in the form of heat. Some "crossover distortion" present

A/B - Combination of classes A and B. At low volumes, uses the class A portion of the amp. At higher volumes, uses the class B portion of the amp.

D - So-so sound quality (but reproduces bass very well), highly efficient, uses minimal power, wastes very little of it.

Other classes: Whatever. They exist. I don't know if they sound better. Your ears are the best judge.

THD: This stands for "total harmonic distortion", but the D is all you have to pay attention to. Obviously, the lower this number, the better. You don't want your amps producing distortion and sending it to your speakers! It causes noise and speaker damage. The experts say any THD rating below 0.1% is inaudible, meaning you can't perceive it. But remember that distortion travels through all components, and is amplified by each one. So, having a low distortion amp, and other high distortion items in your system will reproduce distortion.

S/N Ratio: A Measure of how an amplifier silences backround noise. This spec is measured in db, and the HIGHER the s/n ratio, the cleaner your sound.

Speaker Level Inputs: This feature allows you to connect the amp to your system through speaker wires (instead of RCA cables). This feature is handy if you're adding an amp to your factory stereo system.

Preamp Outputs: This feature allows you to connect an RCA cable to the amp to supply a second amp with the musical signal. This feature is handy if you want to add a second amp without running a cable all the way from your head unit to the amp. Also, it allows you to add an additional amp to a head unit that may have only one set of RCA pre-outs.

Remote bass control: This feature allows you to control the bass output of the amp without having to adjust it on the amp. You can mount the control wherever's clever, and adjust the bass remotely.


How many channels is your system?

How to hook up those channels.

Features you want



speaker (hi level)

rca, pre-amp (lo level)

How many channels are you going to drive? We already discussed the ranges of stereo systems, so you need to determine how many speakers you're driving. Say you want to build an intermediate system with 6 speakers. You figure you want to amplify all 6 of those with a "real" amp. You can go a few routes: You can buy a 6 channel amp, or a 5 channel amp, and power your whole system. That makes life easy if you want to keep installation clean and simple. You could also power your speakers with multiple amps: One mono, one 4-channel, you could even use three stereo amps. If you want to get really fancy, you could bi-amp your component speakers, bringing your amp count to 3, 4, and 5 amps!

One way that you can get creative with your installation is through bridging. If you want to power 2 or more subs on a stereo amp, you can bridge it, or combine the two channels into one. From there, you can wire your subs in parallel or series to obtain the proper ohm load. It's an easy way to power multiple speakers on one amp.

To save money, you can always opt not to install an amp for the rear speakers. I often times just power them off of the head unit. If I am listening to music without rear passengers, I can just fade the head unit to the front, leaving me with the amplified front speakers.

Do you need an amp to have a crossover?

Crossovers come in handy when you are powering subwooers. Most amps can reproduce the entire range of human hearing. However, when we install subs, we only want them to reproduce bass. If the amp has a crossover, you can turn it on, and essentially tell the amp to only send bass to the subwoofers. Since subs can only reproduce bass, why have the amp waste energy sending the subwoofers frequecies it can't reproduce? LUNACY I TELL YA!


speaker: These are called high-level inputs because the signal is already highly amplified. Get an amp with high-level inputs if you are integrating an amp with a factory head unit.

rca: These are called low-level inputs because the signal is not highly amplified. These inputs are RCA style, and are preferred because they produce lower noise. This is the best option if you are using an aftermarket head unit.

So, now you're really educated about amps. Don't worry. You can thank us later!

-Honest AEB

Car Audio Amplifier Info: Seriously Everything You'll Ever Need To Know
Speaker Stand Mounts

Flip Tripod White Bookcases And Shelves

Complement Your Stereo With Great Audio Furniture

As technology grows and changes, so does the home stereo. It seems what was popular and the "hot new item" 10 years ago, is the antique relic of today when it comes to the rapidly changing world of entertainment technology. There are home stereos of all sizes, for all types of listeners from those who dedicate room(s) of their home to mini theater-like setups, to those who have a couple of speakers and a CD player. Regardless of the amount of work put into the hardware, what these people all have in common is a passion for the sounds that come out of the stereo- the music that so greatly influences and enhances their lives. 

Speaker Stand Mounts

What more and more music aficionados are discovering is that not only the equipment but the furniture it is kept in/on can make a huge difference in the quality of the listening experience. A new type of product is becoming increasingly popular, that of audio furniture. These pieces don't just provide a stylish new home for stereo equipment; they give it a performance boost to boot. That's not something any old entertainment cabinet can say. Here are some examples of what's out there now.

Speaker Stand Mounts

One of the best pieces of furniture to improve the sound quality of a home stereo system is a Hi-fi stand. The term hi-fi, or high fidelity, refers very briefly to the quality of sound and image reproduction achieved by an audio/AV system. The concept of a current, home, hi-fi setup involves digital audio sources like CD players, digital audio tape, digital audio broadcasting (like HD Radio tuners), an amp, pre amp, and loudspeakers. What exactly do these hi-fi stands provide? Hi-fi stands come equipped with thick, isolated, shelves made of glass, or other incredibly sturdy materials that provide for vibration dampening, deadening, and leveling. The ideal stand should have an open-air design to help increase the lifespan of sound equipment by preventing overheating- which ultimately results in the equipment breaking down prematurely. Often the shelves may appear to be "floating," which means vibration interference will be at a minimum.  

As a home's collection of quality high definition equipment grows, many hi-fi stands are able to expand with it.  Choose from hi-fi stands that stack and expand, allowing a quick solution to space issues. For those just beginning to build a stereo system, start with a base 2-shelf unit and let the stereo system grow from there. It's a welcome alternative compared to growing into a larger entertainment until that sits empty for months or years, or buying new stereo furniture all the time. For those who already have specialized equipment, the shelves of these versatile storage units can be raised and lifted to accommodate even the bulkiest digital audio device. The convenience of stackable units is this flexibility to add and subtract height from the stand.  

For those with wall-mount flat-screen television units, the hi-fi stand is a modern way to display connected audio and DVD equipment without adding a bulky piece of furniture to the room- part of the idea of having a wall-mount! Hi-fi stands are sold online, and in stores where high-end sound equipment is sold. When looking to upgrade audio equipment storage to a hi-fi stand, be sure to consider the specific needs and quality of the existing stereo system. 

For those looking for a quick and affordable way to boost sound performance, speaker stands can be a great place to start when considering audio furniture for the home. As discovered in the 80's, the simple action of lifting a speaker off the floor improves its sound quality and performance immeasurably. Domestic furniture and floors carry vibrations which have a negative effect on the sound being produced. In order to cancel this effect out, the modern speaker stand has been designed to function as a sonically dead column, on which speakers can be isolated, lifted and mounted. 

Speaker stand technology has improved drastically- far beyond just lifting a speaker into the air- and now there are many aesthetically pleasing brands and styles on the market that will not only optimize speaker performance, but enhance the look and ambience of any living or entertainment room. 

The most important qualities in a speaker stand are stiffness and stability. The best materials are rigid like steel or thick glass. The flat top plate of a speaker stand supports the speaker with rubber padding, which further serves to eliminate vibrations. The proper height for speakers and tweeters is of utmost importance (they should be at ear level) and speaker stands allow for the perfect height adjustment. Another big element when optimizing sound is getting the speakers in exactly the right positions as related to the listener. Putting the speaker on a stands allows for the kind of fine-tuning and adjustment necessary to really get the best hi-fi sound out of a stereo system. These simple stands make for an affordable way to quickly and easily improve the sound quality of a home hi-fi stereo system. 

The latest evolutionary phase of the TV stand is truly something to consider when choosing a home for a new flat screen TV. Combining all the utility of a hi-fi stand with support for a television, a modern TV stand earns its keep. Today, the stereo system and TV are often interconnected, and therefore it makes sense to keep everything in one, centralized location. These pieces of smart furniture combine not only the hi-fi shelving that isolates stereo equipment and eliminates vibrations (like the hi-fi stands), but hide cables and chords to increase the neat clean appearance. Part of the advantage for flat screen owners of going with a stand instead of a wall-mount is the swivel-action of many of the latest TV stands- now they can get the perfect picture from anywhere in the room. 

At the end of the day, the method of mounting speakers is an individual preference. Speaker stands are an affordable way to quickly and easily improve the sound quality of a home hi-fi stereo system. They help the speakers work better by eliminating many common, completely avoidable, complications like picking up vibrations, and poor room and listener-related placement. Nobody wants those pesky "deleterious colorations" ruining the sound quality on yet another stereo system's speakers. Start hearing things clearly by giving speakers a quick and easy speaker stand makeover. 

Complement Your Stereo With Great Audio Furniture
Speaker Stand Mounts

Canon Digital Slr Lens

Features of a Best Flat Screen TV

The evolution of television history is quite impressive. It became commercially available around late 1930's in a monochromatic design or commonly known as black and white then later transformed into a colored television type. Now television has come a very long way. From a very bulky and heavy unit now it is designed to be space consuming and most of all lighter in weight that can be carried and placed anywhere. When you go to an appliance center you will see different brands flat screen TV, each offers and promise superior quality. But how do we choose the one that can give us maximum satisfaction that is worth our money? Below is a comprehensive guide on what to look and check to get the best flat screen TV.

Speaker Stand Mounts

It must produce high quality picture output.

Speaker Stand Mounts

In choosing a flat screen television, first and most important consideration is that it should be able to produce sharp image and better contrast. The image that appears on your TV should create an impression as if you are viewing it in an up-close environment. It should be able to give a detailed image for darker scenes. Your flat screen TV should more or less provide you with excellent resolution standard to make it still visible and clearer to look at even at a considerable distance.

It should be HD Ready.

HD which stands for high definition means that the television mark as HD ready has the ability to receive and decode signals from a local network. Some flat screen just offers HD capability which means that it requires an external receiver and decoder to be able to receive digital broadcast. So when choosing a flat screen, it is highly recommended to chose the one that is HD ready over an HD capable TV Because of the convenience that it offers to the consumers. An HD ready TV saves considerable amount of your budget.

It should provide a wide viewing angle. 

Especially in wider areas such as conference or meeting rooms or if you have a spacious living area, a best flat screen TV should be viewable at any angle. This is to allow several people to be able to watch or see it. Either you are on the left side or right side of the room; still you'll be able to view what is on the screen.

Audio output must be of excellent quality.  

Aside from the fact its appearance, another important aspect to remember for a best flat screen TV is that it should be able to produce high quality of audio. It is undeniable that some older models of television offer low quality when it comes to sound clarity and volume. A flat screen TV should bear the quality of cinematic audio output. It should be clear and precise. Volume wise, it must be conducive for large areas. Though you may opt to add a speaker for your flat screen TV, but it is best to choose the one that can give a high volume output.

In determining the characteristic of a best flat screen TV in reality is a bit harder especially for those who are not so technically inclined and does not have a broad knowledge about technological terms. But it might be of help to choose according to brand feedbacks and customer ratings.

Features of a Best Flat Screen TV
Speaker Stand Mounts

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands 201

Dec 15, 2011 14:44:28

Christmas SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands Deals
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SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands <<

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands Feature

  • Concealed wire management
  • Furniture-grade appearance with upscale performance
  • Twin contoured pillars give support and rigidity
  • Constructed of medium density fibercore to minimize resonance
  • Force-Fit Floor Spikes

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands Overview

Sanus wood loudspeaker supports combine furniture grade appearance and up-scale audio performance and blend with any home theater decor or A/V furniture.

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This Christmas SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands

Limited Offer Today!! SANUS SYSTEMS BF-24B Wood Speaker Stands Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Kidcraft Toy Box

HDTV Installation

The decisions needed with HDTV are more complex than the ones that were required with the previous technology. It is important to get these details right, or our entertainment system will be compromised.

Speaker Stand Mounts

Video Module

Speaker Stand Mounts

An ideal size HDTV will have viewing distance from the viewer to the screen that is about 2-3 times the width of the TV screen. Choosing the right size screen is one of the most important decisions when purchasing a new HDTV.

Most consumers say they want a wall mountable HDTV. However, according to the NPD Group, a consumer and retail market research information firm (, only 13 percent of current LCD TV owners and 25 percent of plasma TV owners say their set is mounted on the wall.

"Consumers are drawn to flat-panel technologies for their wall-mounting capabilities, but the difficulty of such an installation often leads them to explore alternatives such as stands or retailer installations." said Ross Rubin, director of industry analysis, The NPD Group.

It is tempting to delegate the decision making to a local salesperson. This is not wise. Studies show that the many of the salespeople at your retailer are not as knowledgeable or unbiased as we would hope. For example, one study showed that 37% of salespeople steered customers away from plasma HDTV systems because of the "burn in of plasma displays", when burn in was eliminated as a problem several years ago (J.D. Power and Associates). The study concluded that the salespeople steered customers to the more expensive LCD systems.

"Television shoppers who visit mass merchants may be more concerned with obtaining a low price and may not be seeking expert advice. However, television shoppers should be aware that the lower prices they find at mass merchants are primarily due to the fact that these stores tend to carry second tier brand TVs, rather than major brands such as Sony or Panasonic. When pricing for a specific television model is compared at each type of retailer, the prices are surprisingly similar," J.D. Power's Larry Wu.

HDTV Video Format:1080p, 1080i or 720p: the higher number is better, right? Even though 1080i technically has a higher resolution, it is not the obvious choice. Most networks have opted for the 1080i format; because it provides the higher resolution, while ABC, Fox, ESPN, and the National Geographic Channel have chosen the smoother pictures of 720p. 1080i is delivered in interlaced format (the "old" format), meaning that your TV set draws each frame in two passes: once for the even horizontal lines and a second pass for the odd lines.

The 720p (Progressive format, the standard in Europe) has fewer lines of resolution than 1080i, but delivers pictures that look slightly smoother than the interlaced image, especially when there's a lot of movement on the screen, like sports.

The new king is 1080p, which is the best of both worlds. Progressive scanning with a higher resolution. Little programming is currently available in 1080p, but 1080p systems should be able to convert 1080i source material into a 1080p picture.

Source of Programming

One of the choices, which DVD player to purchase, became much simpler recently. Blu-Ray became the de facto choice with the withdrawal of the alternative, HD DVD. The other choice that must be made is: satellite, cable, or antenna programming. A fourth choice, IPTV, which is TV over the Internet, can no longer be easily dismissed.

More than 100 million U.S. homes can receive HDTV from their cable system, and all of the top 100 cable markets in the country have available HDTV programming. Unfortunately, most cable providers carry only a few of the 50+ available HDTV networks. While HDTV local channel selection is generally better on cable than satellite, the major satellite companies offer more national HDTV channels than almost every cable provider. By 2010, 60% of U.S. homes will use a satellite signal, up from 15% in 2002.

IPTV is not yet available across the country. Currently, when it is available, IPTV usually offers about 25 HDTV channels.

Audio Subsystem

The Audio component of the HDTV system is very important. George Lucas (Star Wars) once said audio is half the movie viewing experience. Most HDTV programming today includes more than two channels (stereo) of audio. The most popular programming is encoded in Dolby Digital 5.1, which has five full bandwidth channels plus a subwoofer channel (for the earthquake effects).

Surround speakers would include two front speaker spaced as far from the monitor as possible, two speakers at the back of the room, a center channel, above or under the television that delivers most of the dialogue; and the subwoofer on the floor for the low-frequency bass. Subwoofers are multidirectional, so you can put them anywhere in the room.

If we are to maximize the effect of our wall mount system, we may want to use in wall and/or in ceiling speakers. This results in a cosmetically sophisticated installation.

System Interconnect (Cabling)

The cables used are important, but it is important to know what to prioritize about the cables. It is common for consumers to spend a large amount of money on cables, but for the wrong reasons, and still result in an inferior performance.

To fully utilize high-definition programming (HDTV), either coaxial component cables (red, blue and green, sometimes called "RGB")), a digital visual interface (DVI) cable, or a high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cable is needed. This is in contrast with the red, yellow and white composite (RCA) cords, or the round-ended S-Video cable used by standard definition TV.

An HDMI is the preferred pick for the ultimate in audio and video quality. Look at the back of your TV and you'll see several options. Depending on the unit chosen, you might have to buy these cables separately. Cables can be expensive. If you are choosing largely on the basis of price, your choice can be circumvented by the need to purchase separate cabling.

Cables are one of the details that can be chosen poorly, and result in an overall unsatisfactory experience. Details are important.

Installation Decisions

Select the right installation location. This will be decided by the size and shape of the room. An ideal wall should be at least twice the width of the display because you should have a minimum distance for audible separation for the front channel speakers. Choose a location that minimizes ambient light, especially directly across from the screen.

With some HDTV models, the manufacturer will offer a specific mount for your set. Plan on spending about 0 for the mount. If a system advertises "VESA Compatible' or "VESA mount", VESA stands for Video Electronics Standards Association, and this display is designed to work with VESA standard mounts. If not, look at the back of the display and check for threaded screw inserts to which a mount could be attached. A minimum of four screw inserts is needed. Tilt wall mounts enable the user to change the angle of the display, and can help reduce glare from ambient light.

A wall mount on an exterior wall will be probably be a more difficult installation than on an interior wall. Exterior walls typically offer more obstructions, including insulation, than interior walls. Exterior walls may be built with fire-blocks. These horizontal braces or blocks are generally found about halfway up the wall, and significantly increase the difficulty of passing the wiring from your equipment up to the display.

Decide if the wires are going inside the wall or on the outside. You should not run the power cord inside a wall as it is against NEC (National Electric Code), except when executed by a professional electrician. If you choose to install the cables on the outside of the wall, there are cable management raceways available at your local home improvement store that will attach to the wall with a cover that snaps into place. If the wires are going to be run on the inside of the wall you will need a drywall keyhole saw or a utility knife to be able to cut holes in the sheet rock.

A good idea is to create a molding that will be used as a cover for the cables. If the power cable(s) will be outside the wall, then the rationale for running the other (signal) cables inside the wall is reduced. Either select a cable tray that matches your wall or paint the cover. It will look very natural, and will be easier to maintain than cables in the wall.

The right HDTV hardware, the best program source, an awesome audio subsystem, the correct electrical interconnects, and well-chosen installation decisions will result in a terrific theater system. Now, get out the popcorn.

HDTV Installation
Speaker Stand Mounts

Digital Slr Camera Lens

Best Selling 42 Inch LCD Televisions

42" LCD televisions are becoming more and more popular these days, because there are many who want a big screen, but don't have the room for many of the behemoth televisions that are out there. Larger screen TVs are more expensive, and because 42" have started to come down in price, some as low as 0, this size is becoming more affordable.

Speaker Stand Mounts

Among the top brands of 42" screen TVs, Phillips, LG, and JVC continue to stand out, not only for popular features, but price as well. There are many other brands, Viewsonic, Toshiba, and others, but many of these are higher in price, and have the same features that cheaper models have. Here are a few of the top reasonably priced brands of 42" LCD televisions out on the market today.

Speaker Stand Mounts

Top of the list for affordability is the Philips 42PFL3704D/F7. This easy to use television is a full 1080p resolution picture which is incredibly sharp, and has Pixel Plus HD engine technology, and 29,000:1 contrast ratio. It also has three HDMI ports, so you can connect a variety of different external devices to it, such as a Blu-ray player, a camcorder, or your video game platform. It has a high quality sound system, and this is small yet powerful enough that you can use it without external speaker systems. The really nice thing about this sound on this system is that it has an automatic dampening feature, so if you are watching a program and a commercial comes on, it doesn't blow you out of your seat. This feature is really something every television, no matter what size or brand, should incorporate. It sells for just 8 at most retail outlets.

Another affordable 42" LCD is the LG 42LH30 HDTV. This flat screen LCD television also includes the 1080p display, for HD viewing. Not only does it have a 16:9 contrast ratio, but also a 3D Y/C comb filter for excellent picture quality. You also get ports for accessories, a sleep timer, as well as parental lock out feature so you can control the type of shows that your kids watch, even when you aren't there. It also comes standard in black, with a remote control. This unit can be found as low as 4.

The JVC LT-42P300 LCD TV is another great buy, and includes all the same features mentioned above, but also has a few extras the other don't have. One of them is a swing out I-Pod dock, and a blue diffuser for easier viewing. It also complies with the standard Energy Star ratings, has selectable modes for both the screen dimensions, but also for the built in surround sound, and has five different ports for hooking up all of your necessary electronic gadgets, like your Blu-ray player, gaming console, and camcorders. This unit sells for just around 0 at many retail outlets.

You can find these and many more items at many stores, both from local electronics dealers, as well as online. While you may find cheaper prices and a better selection with online retailers, you need to check the cost of shipping and factor that in as well. There are many local stores that have online sites, and you may find some of these will ship from site to store for free, saving you a lot of money in the long run.

Best Selling 42 Inch LCD Televisions
Speaker Stand Mounts

Christmas Sales Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands 201

Dec 13, 2011 18:48:05

Christmas Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands Deals
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Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands <<

Christmas Sales Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands Feature

  • Universal mount fits most speakers
  • Supports up to 8 lbs
  • Adjusts from 28" to 40"
  • Sturdy die cast base
  • Hidden wire design

Christmas Sales Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands Overview

Universal mount fits most speakersSupports up to 8 lbsAdjusts from 28" to 40"Sturdy die cast baseHidden wire design

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Available In Stock.

This Christmas Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands

Limited Offer Today!! Vantage Point SSH-40SS H-series Speaker Stands Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed

Essential LCD TV Accessories

The ideal model to stand alone as super thin television for the bedroom, kitchen, office, bathroom, yacht or plane is Luce model. It is not only ideal model; it also has a high resolution PC. Unlike the other monitors, this is a complete stand alone since it does not need any additional components. It offers two source of simultaneous viewing that is the high resolution computer monitor and HDTV monitor.The screen format of this television is wide aspect screen format and it is ideal for DVD, DTV and HDTV source material. The wide viewing angle and the high brightness are incomparable and this allows the viewing in strong light and in any angle in the room.

Speaker Stand Mounts

The new generation of the technology is LC TV phone with two SIM cards, two cameras, fast internet, touch screen, sliding screen, memory card, micro SD slot, many number of computer keys, GPRS, GSM, FAX, Email, blue tooth, movie player, television recorder, television program and many more. This is an imported one and this will be very useful for the business people.

Speaker Stand Mounts

The living space can be enhanced and the floor space can be freed by using the wall mounts of plasma television of LCD television. While purchasing such televisions some important things should be considered. The flat panel helps in mounting on various types of walls. The superior signal can be achieved by the gold plated plugs incorporated specially for this purpose. The copper used is 99.95 percent oxygen free copper which is advantageous. There is also grey scart which is of one meter length which offers good quality at the great value of money.

Sometimes the LCD televisions are provided with the small tilt mount for flat panel televisions. The small tilt available in the market often fits all fifteen to nineteen inch televisions. This fits all the thirteen inch to twenty four inch television screens. There are also wall mount available to fit on the wall. This can be able to hold up to thirty six kilogram.

There are also projector mount available for the LCD televisions. They depend on the mount whether it is a ceiling mount, desk mount, wall mount, screen mount or the television mount.

There are attractive real wood veneer with safety glass shelves are also available which provides an attractive Hi-fi appearance. This provides ample mounting space for the television and the storage for the controllers, DVD's and gaming accessories. They are also equipped with the soft closing doors and the ventilation is also ample to keep the equipment running efficiently. For keeping the stylish cabinet tidy, the cable management system helps organize wires. The high quality leads are usually used which helps in the performance of the system.

For the speakers, cables are needed and this is also provided if they are specified. By using the quality cables, the full potential of the equipment can be enjoyed. This helps in achieving the highest quality sound and vision possible. There are decorative cable-trunking features available to hide the speaker cables. This provides an easy fix cable management solution for the concealment of the surface wiring or pipe work.

The screen cleaner is also provided in a shell of brushed aluminum. The spray which helps in the removal of bacteria is used in cleaning the screens. It is not used on flat screens since the alcohol and sponge can ruin the surface of the screen.

Essential LCD TV Accessories
Speaker Stand Mounts

Canon Digital Still Cameras Af-S Nikkor Lenses

Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ

Christmas Sales Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ 201

Dec 11, 2011 22:47:54

Christmas Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Deals
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Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ <<

Christmas Sales Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Feature

  • Ideal for mounting home theater satellite speakers on walls or ceilings weighing 8 pounds or less
  • Made of durable, weather resistant, injection molded fiber resin reinforced polymer
  • Multiple tilt and swivel pivot points allow perfect directional speaker aiming
  • Designed to fit most home theater satellite speakers with one threaded mounting hole, two threaded mounting holes or keyhole mounting systems
  • All mounting hardware is included. There is no need to purchase additional hardware items

Christmas Sales Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Overview

These brackets are also available in WHITE and in packages of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 brackets. Ideal for mounting home theater satellite speakers on walls or ceilings; Supports speakers weighing 8 pounds or less; Made of durable, weather resistant, injection molded fiber resin reinforced polymer; Multiple tilt and swivel pivot points allow perfect directional speaker aiming; Designed to fit all home theater satellite speakers with one threaded mounting hole, two threaded mounting holes or keyhole mounting systems; All mounting hardware is included. There is no need to purchase additional hardware items. Technical Details: Total product length (wall mount applications): 3.25 inches. Total product length (ceiling mount applications): 5.5 Inches. Designed to fit the following brands of home theater satellite speakers: Bose, Denon, Infinity, Insignia, Kenwood, LG, JVC, Onkyo, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sony, Yamaha, Zenith and most other brands of satellite speakers. Included Items: Mounting brackets, ceiling extensions, allen wrench, instruction sheet as well as all adapters and hardware necessary to connect your speakers to the brackets and the brackets to the wall or ceiling.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ

Limited Offer Today!! Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Baby Bassinet Mattresses

Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black)

Christmas Sales Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black) 201

Dec 11, 2011 00:49:19

Christmas Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black) Deals
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Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black)

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black) <<

Christmas Sales Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black) Feature

  • Speaker stands for select Onkyo speakers
  • Steel construction
  • Hidden cable management
  • Adjustable height
  • Speakers not included

Christmas Sales Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black) Overview

Onkyo's AS140 speaker stands are compatible with Onkyo HTP-240 (found in LSV-955) , SKS-HT750 (found in HT-S7100 & HT-S6100), SKS-HT740 (found in HT-S907), SKS-HT640 (found in HT-S894), and SKS-HT240 speakers and speaker systems. The steel, height-adjustable frame also allows speaker cables to be concealed.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black)

Limited Offer Today!! Onkyo AS140 Speaker Stand (Black) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Stem Caster

How to Stay Motivated and Stick to Your Goals

Dear Friend,

Speaker Stand Mounts

I would like to start by sharing a small excerpt from an incredibly riveting book, which reveals how powerful the human spirit is, even when opposed by extreme elements. This quote, which illustrates how intense desire can help us forge through unbelievable obstacles, comes from Into Thin Air...

Speaker Stand Mounts

When Jon Krakauer reached the summit of Mt. Everest in the early afternoon of May 10, 1996, he hadn't slept in fifty-seven hours and was reeling from the brain-altering effects of oxygen depletion. As he turned to begin his long, dangerous descent from 29,028 feet, twenty other climbers were still pushing doggedly toward the top. No one had noticed that the sky had begun to fill with clouds. Six hours later and 3,000 feet lower, in 70-knot winds and blinding snow, Krakauer collapsed in his tent, freezing, hallucinating from exhaustion and hypoxia, but safe. The following morning, he learned that six of his fellow climbers hadn't made it back to their camp and were desperately struggling for their lives. When the storm finally passed, five of them would be dead, and the sixth so horribly frostbitten that his right hand would have to be amputated.

I've often wondered what must go through a person's head during such a challenging event. In fact, I even wonder whether a person in this type of tragic circumstance feels like giving up altogether. Or, is this even a choice, given their internal desire?

What's inside people like this that drives them to continue on? What propels them to dig so deep into their souls they simply cannot (or will not) see failure as an option?What's inside people like this that drives them to continue on? What propels them to dig so deep into their souls they simply cannot (or will not) see failure as an option? What is the internal driving force that motivates them to reach their ultimate goals?

Over the years, I've come to realize my strengths and weaknesses. Thankfully, one of my primary strengths is the drive, determination, and perseverance I have to continuously outdo myself. To become a better, smarter person. A better Father. Brother. Son. Husband. And on the top of my list is my desire for improved health and physical appearance. For some reason, I adopted this mindset from a very early age--right after my parents divorced.

Was it vanity? I don't think so. Pride is more like it.

As I've continued to try to better myself as a person, I've always striven to learn more and more about the mental aspects of motivation. Motivation is, in some ways, like the match to a fire. It's akin to the spark in a car engine cylinder. I've studied its uses and drawbacks in both ordinary and extraordinarily successful people for years. So by now, I'd like to think I know a great deal about human mental performance. But like all things in life, we remain students for as long as we are open to learning.

If there's one thing I've learned for sure, though: motivation almost never lasts, whereas inspiration can serve as a long-term guide to your ultimate goal.

Nonetheless, I've also become aware of the fact that without motivation, there would be no action or the slightest movement in the direction toward any particular set of goals. So, as you can plainly see, motivation is as important as inspiration. We just need to understand how to use it more thoughtfully.

But what happens when, after starting a new diet, workout program, or transformation quest, our motivation wanes? ...what happens when, for some unknown reason, we're not noticing the type of progress we were expecting? Or worse, we stop seeing any progress at all? How do we reignite the fire?

These are all excellent questions. Ones I've worked hard to answer.

So please allow me to share with you the most powerful strategies I've used to keep myself (and others) on the right path... regardless of the situations encountered along the way--to help you reach your goals of a new, healthier, stronger, more muscular body.

Increase Your Confidence
Sometimes the accomplishment of our goals might seem so overwhelming, the immediate temptation is to give up before we even start--which diminishes our self-confidence even further.

Success Strategy #1: MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS. This way, you will never, at any time, lack a sense of accomplishment, and more powerfully, you will be building your confidence with each and every step.You see, we can't gain confidence until we begin to take action, which in effect builds our confidence. Yet, we don't want to take action until our confidence levels are raised sufficiently, and we feel certain about our new endeavor. See the dilemma here?

I know this sounds crazy...but, what if I told you that you can gain your confidence, little-by-little, by taking action on your transformation goals and measuring your progress, one step at a time.

You see, ultimately, our level of confidence is increased only when we do something tangible that can be measured for progress. Take, for example, the intimidating obstacle of viewing your entire transformation goal as needing to be achieved in a giant, single step. That's paralyzing, isn't it?

That's why, to gain your confidence, you must break your transformation goal down into measurable increments or steps. Something on a weekly basis works great. For example, if you wanted to lose 12% bodyfat within 12 weeks, then you could realistically set your increments for 1% of bodyfat reduction per week. This way, you don't have to focus on the whole transformation goal at any given time, nor do you notice all that you have not yet accomplished to date. Instead you can focus on the smaller, manageable steps ahead, and celebrate each accomplishment along the way. This gives you a tremendous sense of control, forward motion, and achievement. And builds your confidence, each step of the way.

I promise, by the time you are nearing the end of your first couple of weeks of your transformation program, despite the ups and downs in progress, you will begin to feel more confident. You will stretch your "comfort zone" and do something more than you originally thought you were capable of doing. You will be utterly determined to advance one more step, and another, and so on, and make the effort to complete your transformation program and build your very best body.

Suddenly, as the fear dissipates, you will discover your newfound confidence. And best of all, you will have achieved what you once thought was impossible--one step at a time.

As the late Eleanor Roosevelt said, "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." When you do, notice how your confidence soars, every time!

Success Strategy #1: MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS. The path to the transformation success you desire, which appears to be out of reach, is accomplished only through measuring your progress, one step at a time. This way, you will never, at any time, lack a sense of accomplishment, and more powerfully, you will be building your confidence with each and every step.

Set SMART Goals
Goals come from having a clear vision of what you want. Knowing that you want to build your very best body is a great start, but you need something more than that--a statement so compelling it literally pulls you, like a magnet, in the direction of its achievement.

So you say you're not certain how to set effective goals? Well, don't worry, everyone starts off this way...merely stating they want to get into better shape or have a slimmer waist. And these statements might be as good as it gets for them.

But to really set effective transformation goals and ensure you'll reach them, you're going to have to learn what I call the SMART technique in goal setting to pave your way to sure success.

Using the S.M.A.R.T. technique will ensure you've set an effective and commanding goal and compel you to achieve it.Not only will this technique enable you to set the most effective commanding goals, it will help focus your efforts on exactly what you want to achieve.

S.M.A.R.T. stands for:

(S)pecific--you must be specific about what you want to achieve, creating your goal in the present tense...that means using "I am (in the process of...)" to start your goal statement.

(M)easurable--how do you measure "better shape" or a "slimmer waist?" You can't. Therefore, you must ensure your progress can be measured by scaling your goal to a specific number (e.g., 10% bodyfat, a 33-inch waist, or a size 6).

(A)ction-oriented--you must be able to create an action list of things you must do to achieve success (this is similar to a to-do list, only it pertains directly to the achievement of your goal).

(R)ealistic--make certain your goal is realistic, that it stretches you but is something you can achieve, given your expectations and timeframe.

(T)ime-conscience--this is where we harness the power of a deadline. Nothing becomes important to us unless we set a deadline on it. A date forces us to give it priority and set positive pressure on us to achieve it.

Success Strategy #2: TRANSFORM YOUR FITNESS GOALS. Using the S.M.A.R.T. technique will ensure you've set an effective and commanding goal--and will not only clarify your path to success but will compel you to achieve it.

Find Your Source of Motivation (through Inspiration!)

So you need a little source of motivation in your life--something to get you out of bed in the morning and carry you through the day--something to feverishly motivate you through to the end to meet your transformation goals? Well, what if I told you there is a direct relationship between motivation and inspiration, and sources of each of these are all around you, all of the time.

Success Strategy #3: FIND AN INSPIRATION
Discover your source for inspiration, someone who has turned their body and life from ordinary to extraordinary.You see, motivation is something we feel, deep inside, that compels us to move toward our goals--it's usually a quick burst, in the moment so to speak, and can fade in an instant as well.

On the other hand, inspiration is more enduring. Inspiration is derived from sources all around us--personal heroes who energize and inspire you because of the level of success they have achieved, for example. These sources of inspiration can be used to motivate us daily and keep us on track because they too had to break through the same barriers, persevere through similar shortcomings, and overcome equal challenges.

One way to continually "see" what you want to become is to find a picture of someone's physique you would most like to emulate (probably in your favorite fitness magazine), cut it out, and hang it someplace where you're likely to see it over and over again throughout the day. You might even jot down your reasons for wanting to achieve this goal.

This process allows you to physically see the body you want to achieve--pointing your subconscious toward the realization of your future body. This constant source of inspiration is a reminder of who you want to become and where you are going. They can lift you to a higher place by allowing you to reveal an inner strength that goes beyond results and goals.

Some Final Thoughts...

Remember, no path to building a better body is a straight line. Life doesn't work that way. But I've often noted that we move in the direction of our most dominant thoughts, and we can overcome those barriers if we decide to face them head-on and transform their power. If this is true, then only by committing to turning these obstacles into powerful success strategies will you begin to create lasting results in your body and achieve your transformation goals.

So the next time you're trekking up Mount Everest, or more likely, you're working out to achieve a new, better body... tap into your source of inspiration using these simple guidelines and strategies. I guarantee you can't go wrong following this approach--I've seen it work for many, many others in their quest to build better bodies and improve their lives.

Keep your head up and your heart in the game,

Respectfully yours,

Stephen Adele



How to Stay Motivated and Stick to Your Goals
Speaker Stand Mounts

Christmas Sales 2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP 201

Dec 10, 2011 02:46:33

Christmas 2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP Deals
Click for larger image and other views

2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for 2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP <<

Christmas Sales 2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP Feature

  • Stylish - Balck finish steel support columns for stereo or surround sound
  • Height adjustable from 600mm to 1,200mm (24 inch - 48 inch)
  • Pair of adjustable speaker stands for satellite or surround sound speakers
  • Unobtrusive single pedestal stands - For front or rear surround loudspeakers
  • cealed wire management, Stability ensured

Christmas Sales 2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP Overview

Designed to accommodate small satellite surround loudspeakers from most major manufacturers. Adjustable height for personal preference. Unsightly cables concealed via central hole in the provided brackets or into the strategically placed port positioned at the top of tubes. Universal Compatibility with the majority of leading brands of surround loudspeakers, including Acoustic Energy, Sony, Bose and many others.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas 2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP

Limited Offer Today!! 2 Heavy duty PA DJ Club Adjustable Satellite Speaker Stand MS06BP 1SP Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Baby Boy Crib Sets Toddler Safety Rail Sofa Chair Sleeper

Forgiveness - Ordinary Acts

Many religions and cultural belief systems staunchly abide by "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", Exodus 21:23-27. The phrase expresses a principle of retributive justice also known as lex talionis (Latin for "law of retaliation"). The premise for this form of law is the principle of proportionate punishment, often expressed under the motto "Let the punishment fit the crime", which particularly applies to mirror punishments (which may or may not be proportional). At the root of the non-biblical form of this principle is the belief that one of the purposes of the law is to provide equitable retaliation for an offended party. It defined and restricted the extent of retaliation. This early belief is reflected in the code of Hammurabi and in the laws of the Old Testament (Exodus 21:23-25, Leviticus 24:18-20, Deuteronomy 19:21).

Speaker Stand Mounts

The Old Testament prescription "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" has often been interpreted, notably in Judaism, to mean equivalent monetary compensation, even to the exclusion of mirror punishment.

Speaker Stand Mounts

Mahatma Gandhi commented on the lex talionis: "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and the whole world would soon be blind and toothless." Gandhi has a logical point.

Considered difficult to do in practice, many belief systems (Christianity, the Tao and Buddhism) teach to forgive those who wrong them, rather than seek retribution for a wrong. In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says:

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." (Matthew 5:38-42, NIV)

"Turn the other cheek," is frequently interpreted to mean that one allows him/herself to be abused. No one wants to be abused, therefore, this misinterpretation prompts people to believe 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth' is our 'God given right.' Many people think only pacifists turn the other cheek. "Turn the other cheek' means to avoid acting in kind--i.e. retaliate.

Other belief systems adhere to similar concepts, such as the Taoist wu wei which encourages a wronged individual to simply accept the infraction and to take the least "resistive" action to correct it, if any action need to be taken at all. Buddhism emphasizes the weight of karma: one can take retributive action, but that retributive action is not without its consequences, and living on a finite planet guarantees that the suffering incurred by a retributive action will return to the individual who was wronged (as well as the one who did the wrong-doing). Some subscribe to the Golden Rule of ethics rather than any law of retaliation.

Ordinary acts of forgiveness can be observed daily, however, it is the least reported news. ABC TV anchor, Charles Gibson interviewed several Amish families after a shooter killed five girls and critically wounded six others, October 3, 2006. Gibson commented, "It didn't take long for us to learn that the Amish families most affected by this tragedy have responded in a way that might seem foreign to most of us: They talk about Monday's school shooting only in terms of forgiveness." "We're just trying to support each other and trying to let it sink in," said 17-year-old Dorothy King."

This ordinary act of forgiveness received a mere fifteen minutes of air-time. Whereas the chest beating, retaliatory reaction to the WTC (9/11) attack has received hundreds of hours of air-time--news reports, interviews and movies. We saw the President of the United States, George W. Bush standing at the WTC site on a mega-phone with a college jock swagger shouting retaliatory statements. It is no wonder the majority of people believe retaliation is the accepted and honorable way to react to an egregious wrong--in spite of what their religious beliefs or integrity stands for.

Buried behind all the popular news stories of sensationalism, gore and chest beating retaliation is another wonderful story of ordinary forgiveness.

In spite of the environmental, physiological, psychological damage reminding the Vietnamese of war everyday, they practice forgiveness towards the United States.

Many American soldiers have returned to Viet Nam to express their regrets and seek forgiveness. Without exception these soldiers have been amazed at the undeniable forgiveness they were greeted with. To the Vietnamese forgiveness was the only answer to moving on. The Vietnamese fought the Chinese for a thousand years, the French for a hundred and the Americans--1962 -1975. They celebrate the end of many years of violence and war--their country is now at peace. They help each other and have accepted the tragedies without compounding the sorrow and misery.

June 21, 2005, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, visited the White House, the first by a Vietnamese leader since the end of the Vietnam War, said, relations between the two nations have "entered a new stage of development."

Mr. Khai and President Bush announced that Mr. Bush would visit Vietnam for an Asian summit meeting. Bush is the second president, besides Bill Clinton, to visit the country since the end of the war in 1975. The prime minister's meeting with the president marked the 10th anniversary of normalized relations between the longtime combatants. The United States has become Vietnam's biggest trading partner, with .4 billion worth of goods traded in 2004.

Although, these examples of forgiveness are connected to horrifically egregious acts of violence, there are thousands and thousands of other stories of people forgiving their offenders. These stories may appear in the back pages of the newspaper or never reported. Nor would they necessarily need to be reported. However, it is incumbent upon each of us in our journey to learn the art and act of forgiving, to seek stories of those who have chosen to forgive, no matter the hurt or pain. They can become your role model.

If the Amish and the Vietnamese can do it, so can you.

Forgiveness - Ordinary Acts
Speaker Stand Mounts

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) 201

Dec 09, 2011 04:48:18

Christmas SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16
Click for larger image and other views


>> Click here to update Christmas prices for SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) <<

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) Feature

  • Sold Individually
  • Height without spikes: 14.6"

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) Overview

Sanus Systems BF16b Basic Foundations Speaker Stand BF16b Stands & Cabinets

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.


Limited Offer Today!! SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Flip Mino Hd Camcorder Ladder Wall Shelf

Mount Your Sharp TV With Wall Brackets

If space is a problem for you in your room, and you don't know where to put your new Sharp television, why not consider wall mounting it. You might want to go for a corner mount, which comes with shelves that can hold all of your audio visual equipment. The cables are housed in a central column, leaving the corner looking neat and open. The accessory shelving has adjustable height, and will rotate at the same time the television swivels, to keep things looking neat and aligned.

Speaker Stand Mounts

Corner shelves don't work well if there is a door too close to the corner. And make sure your brackets and shelves are strong enough to support the weight you are putting on them. You will have nothing to worry about if you use the brackets recommended on our site for your model of television.

Speaker Stand Mounts

If money is no object, you may want to think about getting a motorized wall mounting system for your Sharp TV. Rather than having to manually swivel and tilt your flat screen to accommodate your seating arrangement, you simply use a remote to move the screen to the optimum position. If the sun is hitting your television screen you can tilt or turn it, without even getting up, to eliminate the glare.

Some models allow you to preset the position used most frequently, so that, when turning on the television, it will automatically go there, returning to a flat against the wall position when it is turned off. When it is not being used, it will remain in a position just an inch or so from your wall.

If you choose this high tech wall bracket system, you need to have it very carefully installed. Your wallboard should not be more than a half inch thick, and wood studs are needed. Metal wall studs will not support this system. As in any wall mount brackets, if you are not sure of the installation procedure, you would be wise to have a professional in to do the job.

A flat mount bracket is good on a large wall in a good sized room. Most popular are the swivel and tilt combination brackets, which allow you to position your television exactly where you want it, allowing you to move from chair to sofa to table, and still enjoy your program.

Mount Your Sharp TV With Wall Brackets
Speaker Stand Mounts

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) 201

Dec 08, 2011 06:50:10

Christmas SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16
Click for larger image and other views


>> Click here to update Christmas prices for SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) <<

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) Feature

  • Sold Individually
  • Height without spikes: 14.6"

Christmas Sales SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) Overview

Sanus Systems BF16b Basic Foundations Speaker Stand BF16b Stands & Cabinets

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.


Limited Offer Today!! SANUS SYSTEMS BF-16B 16" Wood Speaker Stands (BF16B) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Shelf Unit Storage

Sermon on the Mount Bible Study - Jesus Discipleship Training of the Apostles


Speaker Stand Mounts

The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7 is Jesus' first discipleship training of his new followers. The usual approach we take to a teaching passage such as the Sermon on the Mount is with the expectation of building up our spirituality. However, Jesus' agenda is rarely in line with our expectations.

Speaker Stand Mounts

This discipleship training of Jesus' followers was not designed to build up His new disciples. Rather, it was a sermon designed to deconstruct what spirituality they had already erected. True spiritually for fallen creatures can never involve building up, but must always be focused on diminishing.

The greatest man who was ever born of a woman, according to Jesus, was John the Baptist. (Mt. 11:11) At the pinnacle of his ministry, John the Baptist spoke six words that summarized the whole of his ministry and the focus of his spiritual life. Speaking of Jesus, John said, "He must increase, but I must decrease."


In my meditations on the Sermon I began to realize that the further I stepped back the more clearly I could see the intent of the Sermon. This included examining the superstructure of the Sermon as well as looking at its place within the whole of the Gospel of Matthew. The second thing I tried to undercover is the historical setting of the Sermon. These two pieces, which will be examined in reverse order, offer us two lenses through which to view the subversive nature of the Sermon.

The Sermon on the Mount is spoken to people who were steeped in the Jewish mindset. With the exile and the end of the Davidic throne the Jewish people could no longer stake their religious claim on being God's people based on the Temple and the continuation of the line of David. Rather, they were forced to look back to where they had gone wrong. The words of the prophets resonated in their ears and they realized that their downfall was in their failure to follow the Torah. So for the next five hundred years leading up the time of Jesus, the focus of much of Judaism was placed on obedience to the Torah. It permeated all facets of religious and secular life. It was so pervasive and persuasive that obedience to Torah became blurred with worship of Torah. However, the worship of Torah that seemed to dominate the Pharisaical mindset was not one of adoration, but rather as one worships a pagan God--it was a relationship of manipulation and control. They twisted the law to serve their need to feel righteous and holy.

I grew up in a denomination whose focus was exactly the same. Our lives were also heavily influenced by obedience to Torah and the festivals that went along with it. It became such a part of the member's identities that when the denominational leaders attempted to reform the denomination it took the local pastors well over a decade to change the mindsets of those who were willing to listen to the Gospel message.

According to the redactive work of the Matthean Gospel, the Sermon on the Mount is the first direct teaching of Jesus to his newly called disciples. Therefore, I believe the focus of the sermon is two-fold. 1) To deconstruct the Judaic worldview and teachings that had so shaped and formed them and 2) to begin to construct a worldview from a Christian perspective.

The validity of this hypothesis of deconstruction and reconstruction is found in the very structure and progression of themes within the Sermon:



The first part of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapter Five) can be divided into two sections. The first section addresses what the Jews believe the problem is in their society and in their Spiritual lives. In the second half of this section Jesus addresses the real issue in a very subversive manner.


The Jewish people believed deeply in the Torah, especially the themes of retributive theology. The problem their society faced most prominently was persecution from foreign, pagan rulers. According to retributive theology, this was unjust and thus had to be corrected. Jesus comes along and tells them that what they viewed as the problem was in actuality the natural outpouring of a holy life and was a blessing to them. Consider, for example, His statement of: blessed are the poor in spirit. Many have read this to mean blessed are those who are spiritually humble. However, poor in spirit was a phrase referred to in their age as one who was persecuted (or literally poor - see Luke 6:20) for having followed the way of righteousness.

The entirety of the beatitudes is Jesus telling them that persecutions result in blessing and if you are persecuted, it is not a problem, but rather a sign that they were on the right track. Jesus even compares those who are persecuted for righteousness sake to the Holy Prophets! In this, Jesus first deconstructs their political and societal worldview.

Jesus then spends verses 13-16 telling them that they are the salt and light of the world. They were not meant to hide away in a safe kingdom, but by their very nature of being God's righteous people they were supposed to stand out and be targets for the unscrupulous. Therefore, what Jesus is doing in this first section of the Sermon is taking their focus off of the persecutions, so that he may help them focus in on the real problem.

I.B. - THE BLESSING MADE A CURSE (Matthew 5:17-48)

Jesus is very careful in this next section, in which He addresses the Law. He is both supportive of the law and subversive towards their view of it. Here is where he deconstructs their religious worldview.

He begins this section by encouraging them towards Torah obedience in verses 17-20. It sounds as a pre-game speech or the battle cry of a king about to lead his troops into war. He supports the law, heralds it, and bids them towards what their religious worldview told them to believe about the law: you must keep the totality of it.

Jesus takes them through six aspects of the law. The six examples He uses are penetrating and convicting to anyone who bases his or her righteousness on obedience to Torah.

In lifting up the law to the heights He does in this section of the Sermon, He also lifts it out of their reach:

THE BASIC LAW: Do not murder

THE FULFILLMENT: Do not even be angry

THE BASIC LAW: Do not commit adultery

THE FULFILLMENT: Do not even look with lust

THE BASIC LAW: Do not make vows

THE FULFILLMENT: Be of such reputation that vows are unnecessary

THE BASIC LAW: Eye for an eye

THE FULFILLMENT: Turn the other cheek

THE BASIC LAW: Hate enemies


No one is capable of achieving "fulfillment of the law." This realization had to be hitting them at this point. On the height of the Mount Jesus brings them low. To add to this, Jesus says that their righteousness had to even surpass those who best kept the law--the Pharisees. But that was not even enough, they also had to be perfect, as God is perfect. In other words, to make it in to heaven by their own works, they better be able to resurrect themselves. I can just imagine the pale faced stares of the disciples at this point.

All of this is an attempt by Jesus to deconstruct their view of righteousness and what it is to be God's people. Does that mean that Jesus doesn't really mean what he said? Was He only being sarcastic and in reality was trying to get them to stop being obedient to the Word of God? Absolutely not. He meant every word of it. What He is demonstrating here is that the law is a guide to point towards righteousness, but fallen humanity is trying to surmount an impossible pass to attain righteousness by the perfect fulfillment of the law. Jesus plainly tells them, "I came to fulfill the law." He then follows that statement with six examples that prove no one else is able to do so.

As one can see by the intentions of Jesus in this first major section of the Sermon on the Mount, trying to figure out how to walk these traits is to ask the entirely wrong questions.


Once Jesus has removed the old wineskin of legalism, He begins to construct what righteousness looks like for a disciple of Jesus. He does this in two sections. First, in Matthew 6:1-7:7, he shows them seven aspects of what correct righteousness looks like (note the numerological significance of six aspects of not being able to follow Torah versus the perfect number of seven aspect of true righteousness). The second thing He does is to give them three pieces of advice on how to succeed in this task, in Matthew 7:8ff.


Jesus begins with what could be called a thesis statement for this section in 6:1. He tells them, "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men." He lays out seven principles of correct righteous and in each of them there is a sense that they are to be done without notice to them. In the same way you brush your teeth each morning and make no notice of it to yourself or to others, so these aspects should flow so naturally from you that no notice should be given to them. In many ways, these seven disciplines represent the seven fundamental spiritual disciplines, from the mouth of Jesus.


This is a fundamental teaching in all of Scripture and a fantastic practice to employ in each of our lives. When one is about the practice of giving they are acting out the command to take up our cross and let go of our lives. Giving places the giver in a position where the focus of life (for that moment) is to prefer the needs of others above your own needs.


Jesus does not just command His people to pray, but rather He gives them an example by which they may model their prayer life. It is prayer not of force or repetition for the sake of manipulation, but rather of honest, open conversation. God is not a force to battle in prayer, but a kind of friend who desires to listen to your thoughts and will supply your needs.


Fasting is the most enigmatic spiritual discipline. It seeks to chain the belly and with it the entire will of the person. It is a humbling practice of war against the flesh. It is also interesting that in our society with the most abundance of food, fasting is one of the least practiced spiritual disciplines in many lives.


Here is where the true risk begins. He tells them to store up wealth in heaven and not on earth. The risk here is two-fold. First, it requires one to place themselves in a vulnerable position on earth. Second, it requires them to go "all in" on a bet that their belief system is indeed reality.

The blessing he gives them is that in this risk they will be purified of the temptation towards corruption. It will keep their focus fixed on the coming kingdom.


One of the most important disciplines people seem to need to apply in their lives is to actively let go of control and the worry over their future. We are trained in our society to stake our claim before the next guy takes it. I am not sure there is a practice such as this one in the popular culture of spiritual formation. However, the spiritual discipline of letting go of worries and scheming to get ahead needs to be prevalent in these writings geared towards our cannibalistic culture.

It is again the discipline of risk, in the same way that letting go of money is a risk, but this discipline takes the last one even further. For here you are not only required to get rid of money, but also the worry that naturally flows from not having money. Instead, Jesus redirects those energies by imploring them to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness of that kingdom.


There are numerous stories and sayings of the Desert Fathers that encapsulate this discipline. For example:

They used to say of Abba Poeman that before he went out to divine office, he would first sit for an hour in self-contemplation.

Jesus does not simply tell his disciples to stop doing something. Instead, He redirects those energies. He does not merely tell them not to judge. Judging is very much a part of who we are and Jesus knows this. He instead tells them to redirect those energies by judging the self.


This discipline goes hand in hand with the previous discipline. We are not wise to judge others; however, it is equally wise not to "cast pearls before swine." The discipline being hinted at here is one of control of the tongue. How do these relate? If a person makes it a practice of holding his words, then the natural outgrowth of that will be that one listens more. With this listening, discernment will begin to take root.


In the concluding section, Jesus gives them three pointers of how to attain this kind of righteousness. First, in vv.7-11 he tells them to ask God for the discernment. Secondly, in vv.12-14, he tells people that the best safeguard that will bring the most grace to a person as they stumble along in this task is to simply treat people good. He says that if they do this, they are fulfilling ALL of the Law AND the Prophets! Thirdly, in vv. 15-20, he implores them to choose their leaders carefully. The way a leader goes is often times the way the people go.


After these teachings, Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount by giving them encouragement to stay the course. What is fascinating about this section is the specific subjects of the three parts.

This concluding section can be naturally divided up into three parts: v.21; vv.22-23; and vv.24-27. In each of these their is a distinct focus.

In the first section Jesus tells them that not everyone will enter the kingdom, but those who do the will of the Father. The focus is on obedience to the Father.

In the next section He restates how to gain salvation by saying that only those who know Him will enter the kingdom. Note here that the focus is on knowing Jesus Christ.

In the last section Jesus gives the example of the two builders. Of note here is that their works are tested through the storms testing the works of the builders. The focus here is on the testing of work by the 'winds'. This is not an explicit reference to the person of the Holy Spirit. But at this point in their understanding, the ruach of God was not the third person of the Trinity. So it may very well be a reference to the Holy Spirit in terms they could understand. The work of the Holy Spirit is always to test the works of man--consider the Spirit driving Jesus into the wilderness.

Therefore, it stands to reason that in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus first removes their focus from the law, and then gives them new disciplines to refocus their attention towards the Triune God.

Sermon on the Mount Bible Study - Jesus Discipleship Training of the Apostles
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Cyber Monday Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ 2011 Deals

Dec 07, 2011 08:53:46

Cyber Monday Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Deals
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Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ <<

Cyber Monday Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Feature

  • Ideal for mounting home theater satellite speakers on walls or ceilings weighing 8 pounds or less
  • Made of durable, weather resistant, injection molded fiber resin reinforced polymer
  • Multiple tilt and swivel pivot points allow perfect directional speaker aiming
  • Designed to fit most home theater satellite speakers with one threaded mounting hole, two threaded mounting holes or keyhole mounting systems
  • All mounting hardware is included. There is no need to purchase additional hardware items

Cyber Monday Universal 5 Black Satellite Speaker Brackets / Mounts for Walls and Ceilings 1XZ Overview

These brackets are also available in WHITE and in packages of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 brackets. Ideal for mounting home theater satellite speakers on walls or ceilings; Supports speakers weighing 8 pounds or less; Made of durable, weather resistant, injection molded fiber resin reinforced polymer; Multiple tilt and swivel pivot points allow perfect directional speaker aiming; Designed to fit all home theater satellite speakers with one threaded mounting hole, two threaded mounting holes or keyhole mounting systems; All mounting hardware is included. There is no need to purchase additional hardware items. Technical Details: Total product length (wall mount applications): 3.25 inches. Total product length (ceiling mount applications): 5.5 Inches. Designed to fit the following brands of home theater satellite speakers: Bose, Denon, Infinity, Insignia, Kenwood, LG, JVC, Onkyo, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sony, Yamaha, Zenith and most other brands of satellite speakers. Included Items: Mounting brackets, ceiling extensions, allen wrench, instruction sheet as well as all adapters and hardware necessary to connect your speakers to the brackets and the brackets to the wall or ceiling.

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